Blackness Project ^00

The deep story in blackness project tells a group of people who have been divided and exploited. The systems in which these statuses were inflicted upon maybe long gone but there are effects still linger. In the form of economic and social inequality. These issues are talked about in detail in a response to the Whiteness project called the Blackness project. Unlike the whiteness project, the blackness project takes the form of a full-length documentary. Now it makes it clear within the first few minutes of the film that this is not an antagonistic response but as part of a continued dialogue between people. “What we’re having now with the whiteness project and this; this is a good form regardless of what brought us where we need to be here we need to start having these conversations to kind of make ourselves more comfortable, understanding, umm the different dynamics of people not just black, white, or you know whatever it might be, we’re people first.” Zereta.  It does well to serve as an interesting mirror into the other side of this. As it allows for a true exchange of information on ideas and how people see the world. this allows for genuine Interchange of his perspective and widens people’s field of view to issues that they may not have paid attention to before. Provides hope that maybe unlike others that have come before us we can use technology to have a definitive conversation and change. Other people in the blackness project describe frustration that Who is still having the same conversation “Having watched the whiteness project, I felt frustration. I felt frustrated because it’s a clear indication that we are still having the exact same conversation we were having when I was a child. And because I’m 64 years old, that can be quite disconcerting.” Lorna. Issues of race are not just going to disappear in an instant A couple of conversations it’s the understanding that is fostered in those conversations that allow you to slowly but surely degrade the viewpoints which keep it alive. This reminds me of something that was brought up in the documentary was only in a still photo It was the new story from CNN where Trump had called for the reduction or outright cancellation of migrants from quote-unquote shithole countries and the implication of this is that the error within these countries and why they’re bad is the “paint” in the painting and not the framing of the painting or the strokes made with the paint that is making it bad. That it’s not the strokes that are being made Put the paint itself that is destructive to painting and it’s this idea that holds us back from making it knew beautiful American painting with all the colors that represent us an all the strokes that make us equal and balanced. but it’s the problem of someone like him to decide what color should be in that painting that certain colors make the painting worse and this does not only stem from a lack of perspective, but it lacks creative thought into how this issue could be remedied in the matter of as to allow them to enter the painting. I said it just simply easier for him to say the paint is the problem and that’s why I’m leaving it out. Let us not forget that is it is a poor craftsman who blames his tools who blames what he’s given. He blames the painting saying that it’s the colors that he has to work with that are the problem and not his lack of perspective on how these colors could work in concert.

Informal 600

First thing I want to talk about is I Spent 5 Years with Some of Trump’s Biggest Fans. This article really got me out of my bubble, let me explain. For the longest time I’ve believed in an idea that people we live in bubbles. Within these bubbles’ reality exists that makes sense of the people who live in it. most bubbles you choose to live in but there are some which contain other bubbles like Venn diagrams. To this end all humans live in the bubble of humanity, or the basest line personification of human thought an experience. Therefore, it’s impossible to not live in a bubble and I’m no person who doesn’t. So, when it comes to myself, I find that I go into a very left of center political bubble or the bubble that consists people who think there left of center but are just a bunch of socialists who can’t commit to anything. So, hearing about these people’s political beliefs and their justification to why they believe in what they believe in Made me must take a real look at what I believed in politically and how they interpreted their surroundings and how at times I could relate to their feelings of shame in taking help. Knowing you need help and two-way subconscious degree are weak can can eat you up inside. A paradoxically makes you not like getting help even though you need it. Also just like in that article the different sources of where you get help from matter in the shame you feel by taking it. “A devoted Christian, Sharon’s mother believed in a generous church. But government benefits were a very different story. Taking them meant you’d fallen and weren’t proudly trying to rise back up.” Arlie Russell Hochshild. I vividly remember getting help from the teacher was fine but getting help from the assistant teacher who worked in the resource room it was bad. Because it would highlight how so you’re in the room that gets a very broad spectrum of children who have learning disabilities together. Do you know if I was born somewhere else would I still get the help that I needed to succeed? If I were born somewhere else would I have succeeded as much as I have so far? a similar sentiment is echoed by one of the people in the whiteness project I believe his name is Cameron. He says “R.D: “Again, I must call into question just how much of that is really coming from hard work and the grit. How much of it is because of the color of my skin, how much of that is handed to me?”. Then when you get down to it you really can only think about this you never will truly you there is no sign that you accomplished anything on your own. I think to a point that idea can get a bit ridiculous at times, but he does have major questions within it. For example, mostly your childhood is your parents doing and there’s no real shame in getting help from them as you grow but at a certain point it is expected of you to separate. And schools it environment where there supposed to get the first taste of your own hard work producing fruit but even then it’s not your own hard work it’s the work of your teachers who are teaching. So how much is really your effort of course you at the point effort into school in order to be successful but Are the ratios figured then we’d like them to be?


How do economics shape the feelings and thinking of the people Hochschild profiles, especially their feelings and thinking about race, immigration, welfare, and other political issues?

I understand the shame of getting help. I understand how it feels when you must go the rely on others so you could do what needs to be done. Some days I like to pretend that I’ve overcome my days of needing help and having people work with me. Shame to the point where you remove vectors which can help you and other. Maybe I haven’t experienced it in a way that makes you angry I can recall several times not getting help when I should have biting me in the ass. That makes you the kind that makes you want everything that reminds you that you are weak to not exist. when I started reading this, I didn’t get how communities that use the services could have such a visceral hatred. I knew people who are not so enthusiastic about welfare and a large government apparatus but, to the extent of getting rid of stuff that helping. This isn’t just like oh I got to write in English paper tomorrow. This is if I don’t have food stamps, I’m going to starve. I severely lack the perspective to even understand this. Just reading this quote like fries my brain. “Sharon was a giving person, but she wanted to roll back government help. It was hard supporting her kids and being a good mom too. Managing the trailer park had called on her grit, determination, even hardness—which she regretted. She mused, “Having to cope, run the trailer court, even threaten to shoot a dog”—her tenant’s pet had endangered children—” it’s hardened me, made me act like a man. I hate that. It’s not really me.” There was a price for doing the right and necessary thing, invisible, she felt, to many liberals.” ARLIE RUSSELL HOCHSCHILD. She’s not being incoherent it’s just that I guess that I’ve been living in such a different bubbled in her that it’s hard for me to understand.


How does the gap between male lives at the top and male lives at the bottom relate to the idea (from “The Invention of Race”) that US slavery depended on a multi-class coalition of whiteness?

The gap between multi white guys on the top poor white guys on the bottom you know maybe at some point was smaller than it was today but I will never understand why their allies cause it seems like the rich guys get more out of the relationship then the white guys and it feels a lot more like a remnant of another time when he was much easier to align their interests but that’s just me talking. Maybe they benefited more than I see.  “And what did that do? It switched their allegiance from the people in their same circumstance to the people at the top. It eventually created a multi-class coalition of people who would later come to be called white. It created a multi-class coalition. So, this was a divide and conquer strategy. It was completely brilliant.” Suzanne


Do you recognize any elements of the “Deep Story of Personal Protectionism” in the Whiteness Project videos we’ve been analyzing? If so, describe and explain at least two of them, being sure to indicate who is saying what and how prevalent each element is in our spreadsheet. Are there any other “Deep Stories” at play in the Whiteness Project videos? If so, what would you call them?

From where I am right now, I can’t really see any connections. I’m trying to see the connection now I can see the overall connections, but I can’t see on something that’s good to write about. I can see the general overlap with you know the people in these communities being predominantly white and the whiteness project being about people who are predominantly white, but I can’t really see the good connective tissue that really works in there.

The Invention of Race

The invention of races is part of a radio broadcast series their talks about how race came to be within the United States. This specific broadcast focuses on the direct origins within US society. like a lot of things, the United States the first kind of separation between white Europeans and Africans Was started by European specifically Portuguese propagandist for the Portuguese crown.  the documentation of the local groups where Portugal was acquiring their slaves from where deliberately made to sound barbaric to justify the enslavement of the people. The second thing I learned was one of the first instances of perpetual servitude in the United States was a man by the name of John Punch. John punch was a former indentured servant who ran away from his master with two other men the other men were a Dutchman a Scotsman and got off with extended servitude sentences. While John punch was sentenced with perpetual servitude to his former master. I also learned how slavery was used to placate the lower classes in terms of the wealthier parts of society. It proved a cheap source of labor implicated those in the lower rung of society above the slaves. It’s really shaped how I view prevents like the civil war and slavery. like how I used to think that people supported the civil war in the S because of objectionable morals but now I’ve come to see it as a trick. Convincing people who are state rights wall it was just to keep their bottom lines intact.

Exactly who is a Native Hawaiian

Why is it difficult to answer accurately “Exactly who is a Native Hawaiian?” Why does the answer to the question matter – both in everyday life in Hawaii and to us as we think about the realities of social identities?

Well, it’s probably difficult because what are the best tools you could use to discern that tends to complicate the issue then give you a clear answer. Genetics Has allowed us to find connections between animals we thought had gone long extinct and existent species. but when applied to humans it just makes things a whole lot more confusing. One of the people who read a project to find native Hawaiians even caution against using genetics to find them. “Yet she cautioned against using genetics to determine ethnicity. “I get people coming up to me all the time and saying, “Can you prove that I’m a Hawaiian?” PRA 40


If the concept of race has no genetic basis, why does it persist in society? What economic, political and/or cultural functions does it play that keep it alive? This is a Text+ME question.

One of the social aspects keeping it alive is how wealth likes perpetuating and isolating itself. Olson Points this out “People of all ethnic backgrounds live side by side, just as they did in the camp towns. The only people who live in ghettos are the soldiers on military bases and wealthy haoles who wall themselves off in gated communities.” PRA 24. This is due to geographical barriers again improving as potent separators between groups. Another thing is the school barrier. When people grow up together, they tend to be more amenable to them no matter what social groups there from kid don’t care if you’re fun to play with. One way to get kids from different backgrounds to interact is to have them go to the same schools. One very vivid memory I have of is when I went to school in New York Public School in Queens. Now New York public schools have very mixed reputations, but from what I’m able to surmise the elementary schools were pretty good. Something the school would do every year was a culture day. On this day they would set up that she leaves him with budget tables and parents would volunteer to cook traditional dishes from their culture. You paid the admission fee and you were given a roll of like 5 tickets and you get to go to tables and sample some food and learn things about other people’s cultures. I remember all kinds of weird dishes from different cultures. I was especially excited because my mom had volunteered to cook Irish food since my family comes from a predominantly Irish background and that was not as common as It was in my high school. The first time I really realize this was when I was part of a modeling United Nations club in my high school and we were suggesting fundraiser ideas and I remembered the culture day. So, I suggested doing something like that with that the realization quickly dawned on me and everyone in the room that the school was not diverse enough to do such a thing. A major of the student body was from a roughly white European background, but when compared to the other high schools in the surrounding area we were the diverse school. Another economic divider is redlining which is extensively taken place in the nearby city of Bridgeport which really kept a lot of minorities in poverty in the city. Note I am stopping here Because if I don’t, I’ll be here all night.

M. March 18

What vision of the future has academics and scholars pinned on Hawaii’s high-rate of intermarriage? On what facts and hopes have they based this vision? In Olson’s view, how likely is their vision of a racially-mixed future to be accurate?

In the essay The End of Race: Hawaii and The Mixing of People by Steve Olson it talks about the growing high level of intermarriage and racial mixing within Hawaii and the USA at large. The hope is that this leads to the steaded erosion of race as a divider within society,  but the paper is cautious to say that this will definitively end to racism.  On this note, Steve says “Despite the high rate of intermarriage here, ethnic and racial tensions haven’t really disappeared. They have changed into something else. Something less threatening, perhaps, but still divisive. Hawaii may well be a harbinger of a racially mixed future. But it won’t be the future many people expect.” Pra11


What are the implications for “ethnic thinking” of recent genetic research showing that “every group is a mixture of many previous groups, a fleeting collection of genetic variants drawn from a shared genetic legacy” (253)?

Ethnic Thinking is a type of thinking that forms, when groups of share geographical area develop a, hated between each other. These people are not very genetical different. “The antagonists in these conflicts have different ethnicities, but they have been so closely linked biologically throughout history that they have not developed marked physical differences.”  Pra12.

Plan for Better English Essays

  • More annotation — Make then the beacons that help direct quotes and Essay structure. Record your reaction to the paper to the paper, Asks questions, Chunk the paper into sections, do text to text, self, and, world, challenge ideas in the paper
  • Better Quote — Fill Quote File with useful quotes and words
  • Better MLA — Do the MLA this time
  • More refined edits — Editing needs some work
  • Critique — Use UNE google account  to share and review paper
  • Better Read of Materials — Read better
  • Better Connection — To the text and the question asked