Kenji Yoshino

The reason why liberties important part of civil rights is because it being, because the ability to be yourself no matter what Is intrinsically part of freedom. If you can be your true self within society are you truly free. That is why we can’t be held back by the rest of society and we must be allowed to be ourselves under the law. Why we can’t be totally expected to fully assimilate to any culture. “We have not been able to see it as such because it has swaddled itself in the benign language of assimilation. But if we look closely, we will see that covering is the way many groups are being held back today.” (Kenji Yoshino P480-481). And the threat of needing to suppress yourself is just against society. this is unfair as some people don’t need to suppress their identities. So, this really calls into question like are people equal if they need to suppress their identities. Even minor suppressions of self could be considered violations of one’s freedom. and many racism bills within US law defend people’s rights not to be discriminated against for a race, creed, belief, and, choice of life. Wowing for those to truly express themselves we have much to gain as we can understand people more.


Covering is A process of selective self-repression of traits that may not be totally accepted by society at large in order to better fit in. This is a part of the False self which is the opposite of the True Self. The False self is Projection of the individual onto others within society that they are not comfortable or afraid showing their true selves too. Well, the true self is the genuine person free of any projections flattering or otherwise. Covering is inherently a projection of the false self and Yoshino makes this very clear. As an example, he says his false self was a straight Asian man and his identity was a gay Asian man, but he has that false identity so society will accept him more. Now covering is not entirely bad People cover themselves in all kinds of way. Whether it’s the little white lies to make socialization just a bit easier or Dressing up nice for a special occasion, it just something we do. The problem is that were doing it for things that should be perfectly acceptable within society and yet there still hiding it.

Identity 2: Electric Boogaloo™

Identity is a weird thing. It is totally exclusive to its owner. Just like a fingerprint, they are shaped by a kaleidoscope of factors. Which seems kind of random at times, like why should seeing a scary movie about boats as a child make me scared of them for 10 years. This random event made me miss out on things that would have Further developed my identity, like seeing Murder Boat XIV: Return of Bob the Blood Boat™ with my friends or going on that boat trip with my family. So, what has my identity done? On that note why do they even matter? Why can’t we all be biological machines completely devoid of any sense of identity? It is our anchor. In a turbulent sea that is life, an identity grounds us somewhere. From there we can branch out and develop relationships with other people. Soon entire groups of people kept afloat in the sea of life altogether.


So, what is an identity? In my opinion, it is the sum total of all your experiences, relationships, likes, dislikes, thoughts, origins, and, surroundings. Now it is entirely random which one will have the greatest effect on your personality and most of the time it varies from person to person. Mostly it matters on what they take away from these pieces that make their identity. So, for instance, if someone really values being the type of person who likes the color aquamarine and builds their life around it. It will affect what kind of experiences they have, how they interpret their origins, and, what they dislike. It’s so hard to say what has an exact effect on how someone identifies themselves. Because someone could just choose to disengage with a massive part of their identity like how they hate their origin, but is that really disengaging from that part of their identity or increasing how much of their identity that is define by it? Does this mean that we can shape a lot of our personality or does this mean that our personalities shape us? there’s a quote from why identity is a lie that really works with this. “I think we run into dangers when we allow our identities to push us around, to make us do things we don’t actually want to do or need to do, just because we feel that’s what a black person would do or that’s what a white person would do or that’s what a Republican person would do. These identities can make all sorts of demands on us, and often that can overwhelm who we are as unique individuals.” (Illing). The question oppose is interesting who’s in control. The individual or the factors that make us up?


Ok so, what do identities do for us. Well, I said previously I think they anchor us to the world. It’s a survival strategy essentially. If we have a fear of losing ourselves it makes us more invested in our lives. It gives us a reason to feel emotions and to change things. So, we have this cumulative process of building on ourselves by which we can extrapolate purpose. Therefore, gets me anything losing sense of it could be so detrimental to people. Like in the article called Toast where the subject of the article, Giulietta Carrelli, has a medical condition that causes her to have episodes in which she can lose the sense of herself. “When an episode comes on, she describes the experience as a kind of death: Sometimes she gets stuck hallucinating, hearing voices, unable to move or see clearly; other times she has wandered the city aimlessly. “Sometimes I don’t recognize myself,” she says. “I get so much disorganized brain activity, I would get lost for 12 hours.” (Gravois) Identity are not just random tidbits about someone or accidental coincidences growing up. We are our identities and they drive us and Losing that is detrimental. Even when Carrelli losses her self for a couple hour it can uproot anything she has build up until then. It shows How vital identity is too our survival.








Work cited

Illing, Sean. “Why Identity Is a Lie We Can’t Live Without.”, Vox Media, 2 Nov. 2018,


Gravois, John. “How Did Toast Become the Latest Artisanal Food Craze?” Pacific Standard, Pacific Standard, 13 Jan. 2014,



What is an identity? Paper First Draft

Identity is a weird thing. It is totally exclusive to its owner. Just like a fingerprint, they are shaped by a kaleidoscope of factors. Which seems kind of random at times, like why should seeing a scary movie about boats as a child make me scared of them for 10 years. This random event made me miss out on things that would have Further developed my identity, like seeing Murder Boat XIV: Return of Bob the Blood Boat™ with my friends or going on that boat trip with my family. So, what has my identity done? On that note why do they even matter? Why can’t we all be biological machines completely devoid of any sense of identity? It is our anchor. In a turbulent sea that is life, an identity grounds us somewhere. From there we can branch out and develop relationships with other people. Soon entire groups of people kept afloat in the sea of life altogether.


So, what is an identity? In my opinion, it is some total of all your experiences, relationships, likes, dislikes, thoughts, origins, and, surroundings. Now it is entirely random which one will have the greatest effect on your personality and most of the time it varies from person to person. Mostly it matters on what they take away from these pieces that make their identity. So, for instance, if someone really values being the type of person who likes the color aquamarine and builds their life around it. It will affect what kind of experiences they have, how they interpret their origins, and, what they dislike. It’s so hard to say what has an exact effect on how someone identifies themselves. Because someone could just choose to disengage with a massive part of their identity like how they hate their origin, but is that really disengaging from that part of their identity or increasing how much of their identity that is define by it?


Ok so, what do identities do for us. Well, I said previously I think they anchor us to the world. It’s a survival strategy essentially. If we have a fear of losing ourselves it makes us more invested in our lives. It gives us a reason to feel emotions and to change things. So, we have this cumulative process of building on ourselves by which we can extrapolate purpose. Were able to be more than we’re supposed to be because in all honesty nature just wants us to be reproducers and if that’s all we were with conscious minds. We would just kill ourselves in all likelihood.


Identities matter because they’re more than the sum of their parts. They’re not just random tidbits about someone or accidental coincidences growing up. We are our identities and they drive us for better or for worse. They push us to see more, they push us to do more, and, they push us to feel more.

“Why identity is a lie we can’t live without” Writing

I honestly don’t know how I felt about the Goddam material. The paper while “identity is a lie we can’t live without” is just a basic outline of how Human tribalism is bad. A tale as old as time about how society would be better without tribalism, but Since we don’t live in a fairy tale land, we need to do the next best thing which keeps it under control. By not hating people for the piteous of shit like their skin color, national origin, and, beliefs. Also, within the material, it has a format I don’t like in serious articles a transcribed interview. Instead of putting in an effort by making paragraphs, describing the emotions on the persons face, or, integrating important details into the article as we get to know this person like who they are, their professions, their life story, into the interview. Well, there is just a giant info dump at the beginning about who was talking to then jumping right into it. So, they start talking about the fundamental nature of identity and how everyone has one even though they don’t want one. All it is beating the dead horse of how identities fundamental to human civilization and nature. How we fuse divisions of identity to justify terrible things. Honestly, I just don’t know where this is going with all the readings.


Prewriting Toast Story

There is only one part of Toast Story that really relates to identity and that is the story of Giulietta Carrelli and her struggle with schizoaffective disorder. The condition is a combination of both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It takes the worst of both conditions fusing it into a debilitating disorder that at times can prevent people from recognizing themselves. Leading to her keeping track of herself through writing. The condition was made worse as she went most of her life undiagnosed. She did not have a lot of time to build reliable social connections and secure employment before she would be sent spiraling into psychotic episodes. She’s able to find stability after the end of one of her episodes at a place in San Francisco call China beach where she saw an old man who lives the same routine every single day. 5 years later she would return to the beach to find the old man still there where for the next 3 years she’d rebuild her life on the structure of going to China beach every day and talking to him.


Now in my own opinion, this sounds like the most horrendous form of torture ever randomly devise by evolution and genetics. The fact that your mind is turned into a literal ticking time bomb that can level anything you built up in your life and utterly erode your sense of identity to the point where you were forced to record it just to barely cling on a bit of it. I really can’t imagine what that is like, and the willpower needed to continue onward. But then again being completely disassociated with your past self may help in moving forward with the whole life thing. I find her idea about how she wears very distinct clothing and owning a popular coffee shop as a safety net. It’s completely ingenious and speaks to how despite this condition she is a perfectly normal and maybe even above intelligence person. One thing that is really reinforced in me is that any problem in our world can be solved with determination, rationalism, and, deep thought. How she workshops a lot of ideas to give her stability and strength despite many things that could go wrong in her life at moment’s notice.

Identity 1/18/19

Identity is a sense of self in relation to others, ideas, and, places.

Identity anchors us to thing like, love, hate, and, need.

It is are as social animal and beings.


Note from classmates

Identity as A Citizens aka Social Security, Role in Society

Identity as A Digital Denizen

Identity as A highly conditional thing that changes according to the social and location conditions.

Identity as An everything related to but not you.

Identity as A Geographic Identity aka where you live and the stereotype.

Identity as A Belief you attempt impose

Identity as A derivative of your parent and family

Identity as An part intrinsic to you and part your experience

Identity as A

My Name 1/16/2019

So, the name Doyle comes from the Irish surnames O’Dubhghaill meaning descendant of Dubhghall. Dubh meaning black and Ghall meaning stranger. This term came about during the Vikings Raids of Ireland. It was used by the Irish to characterize the Dark-haired Danes from light haired Norwegians. As the Vikings settled in Ireland and assimilated into its population, in the process founding many of Ireland’s coastal cities and towns. The name was Adopted by many on the coasts of Ireland. Where my Great Grandfather on my Grandmother’s side lived. His name was Michael Doyle and is the man I’m named after. My parents decided on the name as it pays homage to my Irish Side of the family. My name is an inverse of his, so, for example, Michael Doyle  Doyle Michael Proto.

The Interesting thing about having a name with a very long history is that there’s a lot of stuff that comes with it. One thing that came with my name was a Coat of Arms. The coat of arms is a shield with a double alternating blue and yellow pattern on the edge. Three red stags with yellow antlers sit in a white field. A helmet with a stag stands atop the shield as red and white ribbons fanout from behind. A banner sits below saying fortitudine vincit. It means, He conquers by strength, and it will always remind me of my Italian roots from my father’s family. Proto means first and I truly don’t know how far back it goes in my family, but I know it’s from my dad’s Father side of the family. I feel like the name should stay that way because it’s 1st. I can let it fade into the mists of antiquity.

The problem is that I don’t know more about my dad’s side of the family. My dad’s mother, or as I call her nanny, doesn’t talk much about her family and even than knows little about them. When I was much younger I did not like my name. I’m not too sure why I didn’t like it. Maybe it was that people would call me a name in schools like Boyle, Ooyle and Soyle. I was always much more fund of the name Thomas. I think it must be because I was a big fan of Thomas the train engine when I was younger, but now I never would think of changing my name at all. When I move to Connecticut, I was awash in a sea of Jakes, Jacks, Johns, and, Bens. Also, when I got older, I learned the history behind my name and how it wasn’t just some weird name.
