Reflection – Integrating Ideas

I find that my ability to on integration is very hit or miss. Sometimes it has to do with the topic the paper is on. Beyond just liking topic, I really need to understand it. In the topic of Yoshino and covering I didn’t really get it enough to make deep connect about the material. As much as I understood the idea of covering and True Self vs False Self, but it was just words on the page. There was a layer I couldn’t really understand that deprive me of the drive I need to write a good essay. As an example: “However, Kenji Yoshino says it best “Everyone covers. To cover is tone down a disfavored to fit into the mainstream.” So, for example, covering for being gay would be portraying yourself as straight.”. Look at how poorly I attempt to integrate quotes into the essay. It sticks out way too much and it’s not naturally integrated into what I was talking about before it.   I’m not able to make any good connections because of how It boxes away from the concepts within the paper. I’m too quick to define what it is and that’s the problem. For example, when I was writing about an animal’s place last semester, I was really interested I was really interested in the topic. Therefore I did a lot more research into the topic. It allowed me to work with the topic on the level that I feel I didn’t reach in this essay. Here a section I feel could have been better:  Covering, just like all ill-applied survival, can result in serious damage to one’s health and sanity. One can become disconcerting with themselves and society. Hatred can be a natural response to pent up emotions especially to those who are the source.” I really don’t feel like it missions with the rest of the essay and it has a bit of difficulty coming out.  It’s a common strategy for me to try and aspire to like some natural science angle whenever I write. I do this whenever I’m just having trouble starting a paragraph in an essay. It can lead to a real mishmash of themes if I don’t do it right and really sticks out a lot most of the time.

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