“Why identity is a lie we can’t live without” Writing

I honestly don’t know how I felt about the Goddam material. The paper while “identity is a lie we can’t live without” is just a basic outline of how Human tribalism is bad. A tale as old as time about how society would be better without tribalism, but Since we don’t live in a fairy tale land, we need to do the next best thing which keeps it under control. By not hating people for the piteous of shit like their skin color, national origin, and, beliefs. Also, within the material, it has a format I don’t like in serious articles a transcribed interview. Instead of putting in an effort by making paragraphs, describing the emotions on the persons face, or, integrating important details into the article as we get to know this person like who they are, their professions, their life story, into the interview. Well, there is just a giant info dump at the beginning about who was talking to then jumping right into it. So, they start talking about the fundamental nature of identity and how everyone has one even though they don’t want one. All it is beating the dead horse of how identities fundamental to human civilization and nature. How we fuse divisions of identity to justify terrible things. Honestly, I just don’t know where this is going with all the readings.


Prewriting Toast Story

There is only one part of Toast Story that really relates to identity and that is the story of Giulietta Carrelli and her struggle with schizoaffective disorder. The condition is a combination of both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It takes the worst of both conditions fusing it into a debilitating disorder that at times can prevent people from recognizing themselves. Leading to her keeping track of herself through writing. The condition was made worse as she went most of her life undiagnosed. She did not have a lot of time to build reliable social connections and secure employment before she would be sent spiraling into psychotic episodes. She’s able to find stability after the end of one of her episodes at a place in San Francisco call China beach where she saw an old man who lives the same routine every single day. 5 years later she would return to the beach to find the old man still there where for the next 3 years she’d rebuild her life on the structure of going to China beach every day and talking to him.


Now in my own opinion, this sounds like the most horrendous form of torture ever randomly devise by evolution and genetics. The fact that your mind is turned into a literal ticking time bomb that can level anything you built up in your life and utterly erode your sense of identity to the point where you were forced to record it just to barely cling on a bit of it. I really can’t imagine what that is like, and the willpower needed to continue onward. But then again being completely disassociated with your past self may help in moving forward with the whole life thing. I find her idea about how she wears very distinct clothing and owning a popular coffee shop as a safety net. It’s completely ingenious and speaks to how despite this condition she is a perfectly normal and maybe even above intelligence person. One thing that is really reinforced in me is that any problem in our world can be solved with determination, rationalism, and, deep thought. How she workshops a lot of ideas to give her stability and strength despite many things that could go wrong in her life at moment’s notice.

Identity 1/18/19

Identity is a sense of self in relation to others, ideas, and, places.

Identity anchors us to thing like, love, hate, and, need.

It is are as social animal and beings.


Note from classmates

Identity as A Citizens aka Social Security, Role in Society

Identity as A Digital Denizen

Identity as A highly conditional thing that changes according to the social and location conditions.

Identity as An everything related to but not you.

Identity as A Geographic Identity aka where you live and the stereotype.

Identity as A Belief you attempt impose

Identity as A derivative of your parent and family

Identity as An part intrinsic to you and part your experience

Identity as A

My Name 1/16/2019

So, the name Doyle comes from the Irish surnames O’Dubhghaill meaning descendant of Dubhghall. Dubh meaning black and Ghall meaning stranger. This term came about during the Vikings Raids of Ireland. It was used by the Irish to characterize the Dark-haired Danes from light haired Norwegians. As the Vikings settled in Ireland and assimilated into its population, in the process founding many of Ireland’s coastal cities and towns. The name was Adopted by many on the coasts of Ireland. Where my Great Grandfather on my Grandmother’s side lived. His name was Michael Doyle and is the man I’m named after. My parents decided on the name as it pays homage to my Irish Side of the family. My name is an inverse of his, so, for example, Michael Doyle  Doyle Michael Proto.

The Interesting thing about having a name with a very long history is that there’s a lot of stuff that comes with it. One thing that came with my name was a Coat of Arms. The coat of arms is a shield with a double alternating blue and yellow pattern on the edge. Three red stags with yellow antlers sit in a white field. A helmet with a stag stands atop the shield as red and white ribbons fanout from behind. A banner sits below saying fortitudine vincit. It means, He conquers by strength, and it will always remind me of my Italian roots from my father’s family. Proto means first and I truly don’t know how far back it goes in my family, but I know it’s from my dad’s Father side of the family. I feel like the name should stay that way because it’s 1st. I can let it fade into the mists of antiquity.

The problem is that I don’t know more about my dad’s side of the family. My dad’s mother, or as I call her nanny, doesn’t talk much about her family and even than knows little about them. When I was much younger I did not like my name. I’m not too sure why I didn’t like it. Maybe it was that people would call me a name in schools like Boyle, Ooyle and Soyle. I was always much more fund of the name Thomas. I think it must be because I was a big fan of Thomas the train engine when I was younger, but now I never would think of changing my name at all. When I move to Connecticut, I was awash in a sea of Jakes, Jacks, Johns, and, Bens. Also, when I got older, I learned the history behind my name and how it wasn’t just some weird name.

Final Essay Final Version

When I first got my schedule together and was getting ready for college, I wasn’t too happy to see a writing on the schedule. To be honest I was not looking forward to more English after 4 years of high school. It was a class I really excelled in and Some of my most hated things about high school were related to it. A great example of this frustration are the books Anthem by Ayn Rand and Feed by M.T. Anderson. I hated these books to no end just every element of the books infuriated me. These are probably negative emotions I’ve had about high school. I’m open to reading basically anything for a class, but they give me headaches. The last year of high school English was just getting out of here and in the marine labs. So when I started I have told myself that “I know I might not enjoy this, but it’s a necessary part of my college curriculum and if I didn’t want to do it again I would have to do well”. This led to me just going into college English saying college is a new day maybe will be a new day for me and my relationship English. Once we got started on the slow dismantlement of my high school Writing experience, I think that’s when I really begin to enjoy the class. While some assignment would aggravate me and sometimes just not resonate with me, I would still enjoy most of the class. Certain things have found difficult to unlearn Is what I wouldn’t call perfectionism but focus on the ideas I was talking about and not the technique I was using. I write about this problem in a 10 Minute Writing on November 14, 2018 “I keep running into a kind of writer’s block. It’s hard for me to think of ideas for the paper. I can write but it’s difficult to do so.  My sources are a bit of a problem too. It’s is difficult to work them in without it sounding cringe.” You can see the active distress I am having as I try and focus on the idea instead of the technique. It was terrible because I wouldn’t get anything done and I will get better at what I was supposed to be getting better at. I got frustrated and eventually talk to Professor Drown any recommended the current strategy. By the next Entry (November 19, 2018) it seems to be working “The focus on technique has been really beneficial for my writing process. I have found it to write about the thing I like to be difficult. This is because of my care for the topic make it hard to accept low quality work and focus on technique.” Even with all the progress I’ve made I have a lot to go. A lot of the old rules of high school are still rattling around in my head.

The Pollan-Singer paper was interesting I believe it was my first real college essay which is amazing. It almost seems we came out of nowhere and the short amount of time I had worked on it was surprising to me. It was probably my first time writing in such a volume since writing my college essay. In writing the essay I had some strong Opinions about the murder, but by reading the animal’s place article give me some perspective on the issue. Singer brought up some good points it’s not just the usual vegan screaming, yelling, and lack of understanding of biology. I was interested in writing the paper, but I ran into the problem of my high school mindset with this paper hard. I made a massive text block of cheese raw ideas expecting that I would have plenty of time to nice tasting broth of an essay. Not realizing you would be due within 3 days of my first edited. Thank God this class is my grade on the quality of thought. It taught me a lot about deadlines and how to work within a college schedule. It also shows me what kind of work did they would be expecting. The one thing I found continuous throughout the papers that I kind of just uses a way to vent on the matter. This is probably why I found it easy to write about unlike the Owens in the Park. The paper really presented me with a lot of problems. Integrating techniques was something I was having trouble with him this, but it wasn’t helped by the morally complex nature of the paper. By the end of it, I found it credibly annoying. Well, the paper was written well I found it incredibly repetitive as it seemed most of it was devoted to the Owens hopping around Africa. To be entirely honest I never finished reading the entire packet Because of this. Later while writing the paper I would quote mine the Later parts of the paper and look for things had supported the point I’d come to with about a quarter of the knowledge of the situation. Constantly I would keep playing off my lack of knowledge of keys event pretending to forget about them in the mire of college work. In the process fooling no one and hurting my ability to produce quality work. On top of that, I found it kind of annoying for quote integration. Am I found it difficult to work quote in at a level that properly incorporated them into the already existing paragraph? This would cause a lot of times where I’m just rewriting entire paragraphs to fit in one quote. Other kinds of technical writing skills were finding their ways into my essays but just not at the rate would say showed up and see your skill doing it. But that’s nothing compared to the one I had so much issue with Is Civilization worth all the trouble. This one was a special blend of caring about the topic, not like some of the source I use, poor technical execution, and, systemic writer’s block. Well, I’d like the initial concept of the whole to explore through reading. I think it really messed with me too. It spread me up to all these different concepts. Infant mortality rates in the 19 century, life expectancy the Islamic Golden Age, and, Ironworking in the 15th century. I think also on the problems as I didn’t take the creative reading as seriously as a should since I do it so much. “I pretty sure that I have done creative reading many times. Probably most of it on Wikipedia. It starts with reading one article on something I need to look up, but soon I 15 different tabs open to different Wikipedia articles…” (Let’s write Nov 5, 2018). I do think there was a bit of growth, but sometimes I don’t feel like you were worth what I went through to write that.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned this year Is persistence especially with learning things. If I keep working on things and keep focusing, I will eventually succeed. No matter how hard it gets I can do it, HOPEFUL. One thing I must get on is updating my logs and portfolios. A lot of the time I did work and lost credit because I couldn’t take 5 seconds and posted. I remember spending Sunday nights on essays just trying to get them finished. Waking up in the morning to be told that I did post my essay, so I would be behind on the work we were doing. Perpetuating a cycle where I always have something that should be in but that’s not in. On a lighter note, one thing I have gotten better at is annotations and reading. I never liked it annotations because of how I perceive them they thought they need to be like a complex statement on the topic of the paper. I never thought that they could just be random stuff I thought about while reading the paper. This opens a whole new world a possibility when reading stuff, I never had to stop and really think about its annotations. This revelation happens around the time I was reading the Owens paper. Really help me for the rest of the year. One thing I could say is that I never really found a way to directly use the annotations in my writing, but they help me think it out a lot more. One thing I did improve in writing is the technology it’s not such a foreign concept of now.  I can set up rudiment type of voice marker and quote sandwiches. I’ve heard a lot about writing in this 15-week course. But still, have a lot to learn. One thing is how to just write. Sounds like a weird problem because I’m doing that right now, but sometimes into a random stop in my writing process which hold me back from getting really getting into a flow of productivity. It is a seemingly small problem, but it really stops me from to the level of work that should be expected of me. It’s because I’m either filled with indecision and at a loss of words for what I should write. And it’s this bad habit that I need to get rid of it works to really grow as a writer. I’m optimistic about the future though.

Final English Essay Part 3

If there’s one thing I’ve learned this year Is persistence especially with learning things. If I keep working on things and keep focusing, I will eventually succeed. No matter how hard it gets I can do it, HOPEFUL. One thing I must get on is updating my logs and portfolios. A lot of the time I did work and lost credit because I couldn’t take 5 seconds and posted. I remember spending Sunday nights on essays just trying to get them finished. Waking up in the morning to be told that I did post my essay, so I would be behind on the work we were doing. Perpetuating a cycle where I always have something that should be in but that’s not in. On a lighter note, one thing I have gotten better at is annotations and reading. I never liked it annotations because of how I perceive them they thought they need to be like a complex statement on the topic of the paper. I never thought that they could just be random stuff I thought about while reading the paper. This opens a whole new world a possibility when reading stuff, I never had to stop and really think about its annotations. This revelation happens around the time I was reading the Owens paper. Really help me for the rest of the year. One thing I could say is that I never really found a way to directly use the annotations in my writing, but they help me think it out a lot more. One thing I did improve in writing is the technical it’s not such a foreign concept of now.  I can set up rudiment type of voice marker and quote sandwiches. I’ve heard a lot about writing in this 15-week course. But still, have a lot to learn. One thing is how to just write. Sounds like a weird problem because I’m doing that right now, but sometimes into a random stop in my writing process which hold me back from getting really getting into a flow of productivity. It is a seemingly small problem, but it really stops me from to the level of work that should be expected of me. It’s because I’m either filled with indecision and at a loss of words for what I should write. And it’s this bad habit that I need to get rid of it works to really grow as a writer. I’m optimistic about the future though.

Final English Essay Part 2

The Pollan-Singer paper was interesting I believe it was my first real college essay which is amazing. It almost seems we came out of nowhere and the short amount of time I had worked on it was surprising to me. It was probably my first time writing in such a volume since writing my college essay. In writing the essay I had some strong Opinions about the murder, but by reading the animal’s place article give me some perspective on the issue. Singer brought up some good points it’s not just the usual vegan screaming, yelling, and lack of understanding of biology. I was interested in writing the paper, but I ran into the problem of my high school mindset with this paper hard. I made a massive text block of cheese raw ideas expecting that I would have plenty of time to nice tasting broth of an essay. Not realizing you would be due within 3 days of my first edited. Thank God this class is my grade on the quality of thought. It taught me a lot about deadlines and how to work within a college schedule. It also shows me what kind of work did they would be expecting. The one thing I found continuous throughout the papers that I kind of just uses a way to vent on the matter. This is probably why I found it easy to write about unlike the Owens in the Park. The paper really presented me with a lot of problems. Integrating techniques was something I was having trouble with him this, but it wasn’t helped by the morally complex nature of the paper. By the end of it, I found it credibly annoying. Well, the paper was written well I found it incredibly repetitive as it seemed most of it was devoted to the Owens hopping around Africa. To be entirely honest I never finished reading the entire packet Because of this. Later while writing the paper I would quote mine the Later parts of the paper and look for things had supported the point I’d come to with about a quarter of the knowledge of the situation. Constantly I would keep playing off my lack of knowledge of keys event pretending to forget about them in the mire of college work. In the process fooling no one and hurting my ability to produce quality work. On top of that, I found it kind of annoying for quote integration. Am I found it difficult to work quote in at a level that properly incorporated them into the already existing paragraph? This would cause a lot of times where I’m just rewriting entire paragraphs to fit in one quote. Other kinds of technical writing skills were finding their ways into my essays but just not at the rate would say showed up and see your skill doing it. But that’s nothing compared to the one I had so much issue with Is Civilization worth all the trouble. This one was a special blend of caring about the topic, not like some of the source I use, poor technical execution, and, systemic writer’s block. Well, I’d like the initial concept of the whole to explore through reading. I think it really messed with me too. It spread me up to all these different concepts. Infant mortality rates in the 19 century, life expectancy the Islamic Golden Age, and, Ironworking in the 15th century. I think also on the problems as I didn’t take the creative reading as seriously as a should since I do it so much. “I pretty sure that I have done creative reading many times. Probably most of it on Wikipedia. It starts with reading one article on something I need to look up, but soon I 15 different tabs open to different Wikipedia articles…” (Let’s write Nov 5, 2018). I do think there was a bit of growth, but sometimes I don’t feel like you were worth what I went through to write that.
Note expand more on uneven development of skills

Final English Essay Part 1

When I first got my schedule together and was getting ready for college, I wasn’t too happy to see a writing on the schedule. To be honest I was not looking forward to more English after 4 years of high school. It was a class I really excelled in and Some of my most hated things about high school were related to it. A great example of this frustration is the books Anthem by Ayn Rand and Feed by M.T. Anderson. I hated these books to no end just every element of the books infuriated me. These are probably negative emotions I’ve had about high school. I’m open to reading basically anything for a class, but they give me headaches. The last year of high school English was just getting out of here and in the marine labs. So, when I started I have told myself that “I know I might not enjoy this, but it’s a necessary part of my college curriculum and if I didn’t want to do it again I would have to do well”. This led to me just going into college English saying college is a new day maybe will be a new day for me and my relationship English. Once we got started on the slow dismantlement of my high school Writing experience, I think that’s when I really begin to enjoy the class. While some assignment would aggravate me and sometimes just not resonate with me, I would still enjoy most of the class. Certain things have found difficult to unlearn Is what I wouldn’t call perfectionism but focus on the ideas I was talking about and not the technique I was using. I write about this problem in a 10 Minute Writing on November 14, 2018 “I keep running into a kind of writer’s block. It’s hard for me to think of ideas for the paper. I can write but it’s difficult to do so.  My sources are a bit of a problem too. It’s is difficult to work them in without it sounding cringe.” You can see the active distress I am having as I try and focus on the idea instead of the technique. It was terrible because I wouldn’t get anything done and I will get better at what I was supposed to be getting better at. I got frustrated and eventually talk to Professor Drown any recommended the current strategy. By the next Entry (November 19, 2018) it seems to be working “The focus on technique has been really beneficial for my writing process. I have found it to write about the thing I like to be difficult. This is because of my care for the topic make it hard to accept low quality work and focus on technique.” Even with all the progress, I’ve made I have a lot to go. A lot of the old rules of high school Are still rattling around in my head. Note add more about 7 creative things

The development of civilization is usually credited for the explosion of human populations and the rise of humanity as Earth’s dominant species. One the backbone of civilization is writing. The writing Has independently the developed all over the world and all different types of civilizations. It allows us to communicate through time and space. To learn from long past humans and indulge in fantasy.   That is the question that the New Yorker article “A Case Against Civilization” written by John Lancaster.


Now one of the main sources John Landchester uses within this paper is a man named James C. Scott. The comparative scholar in agrarian societies and anarchism. History of early societies puts him at a certain level of expertise that allows him to discuss this issue in great detail. And he brings up something that really makes me question his position. Is writing a tool of control. “War, slavery, rule by élites—all were made easier by another new technology of control: writing. “It is virtually impossible to conceive of even the earliest states without a systematic technology of numerical record keeping,” Scott maintains.” He claims this because it is an effective way of keeping track of people, keeping taxes, managing economies, and, slaving people. He claims that this is one of the most effective tools of control. What makes writing more effective than just the application of physical force on people. Wouldn’t promise of food or wealth be better as it keeps you invested in civilization. What does writing fundamentally let you control people were more than before it. Beforehand you couldn’t keep track of slaves but now you can which makes it somehow worse? Acting as if being ripped one day but now being whipped and having your name on a piece of Papyrus on another is worse, then already being a slave.  

Record-keeping is important in any kind of long-term organization of people. It allows people to convey what was happening at the time to people in the past or present. This is Allows for someone who may have just coming to the leadership position of a long-term organization to get an idea for what the goals and past are of the group in order to make good decisions for the future. It allows people to make good decisions on how to allocate resources and labor. “It was the ability to tax and to extract a surplus from the produce of agriculture that, in Scott’s account, led to the birth of the state, and also to the creation of complex societies with hierarchies, division of labor, specialist jobs (soldier, priest, servant, administrator), and an élite presiding over them.” Now, this quote takes the hierarchical structure and division of labor as a inherit negative. Put it off so just point out the good things about writing. First off it allows you to accurately assess what someone is due. This allows you to maintain social order and also help build the economy. Which can be crucial to sure prosperity for all. The second allows for the efficient division of labor. This means that projects can be done by the right people at the right times. You’re not going to send soldiers to plant seeds now, are you? You’re going to send some farmers who know what they are doing. This is crucial to also sure a surplus as people who are efficient at their jobs tend to either produce superior quality goods and services or produce a large amount quantity of goods and services. The wave writing helps you is that you can just objectively look at records and see who’s produced more who’s made tools that have lasted longer. Third I said before record-keeping allows you to plan out future developments. For example, census allows you to know how the populations going to grow thereby knowing how much your economy is going to grow and much food you’re going to need to feed all those new people. So now you can plan ahead for the future and not be surprised when there are thousands of people starving in the streets. No needless for suffering Because of writing and a little bit of planning. Writing can an able so much good that it’s unbelievable.

Writing allows us to express ourselves in ways that it cannot do with words. It’s amazing what people have done with the written word. People can create eloquent stories that span thousands of years, create hundreds of different characters with complex motivations or Detailed accounts of our lives in order to show people would weave experience. But on the hold, the majority of writing is used to record things. Mostly in conjunction with government and business. Put the following quote is used by James in the article. “There is no document of civilization which is not at the same time a document of barbarism.” Walter Benjamin” The man in reference killed himself will try to escape Nazi Germany. Now James uses his quote to fortify claim that all of civilization is built on barbary like slavery and war and how writing enables for civilization to have a greater capacity for these things. Now for all the documents of civilization that involves slavery in war there so many more that are about helping other, improving people’s lives, and, peaceful relations. Singer some of the documents of civilization or barbarism is he fair claim but saying all of them are is a bit overboard. “Mesopotamia, the writing was used exclusively for bookkeeping: “the massive effort through a system of notation to make a society, its manpower, and its production legible to its rulers and temple officials, and to extract grain and labor from it.” Early tablets consist of “lists, lists, and lists,” Scott says, and the subjects of that record-keeping are, in order of frequency, “barley (as rations and taxes), war captives, male and female slaves.” We also need to remember that we can’t judge civilizations of the past by our modern standards because it loses the context in which the civilizations existed. You can see the Persians is warmongering expansionist in modern times But from my perspective at the time they were Lincoln and how societies under their rule-governed themselves.

Work Cited

Lanchester, John. “The Case Against Civilization.” The New Yorker, The New Yorker, 11 Sept. 2017, www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/09/18/the-case-against-civilization.
