To be black in the Baltimore of my youth

What are some of the “rules of the street” in the Baltimore of Coates’s youth? What does “toughness” mean in that context? What’s the price of toughness? How are those rules a response to the American Dream? This is a Text+Me question.

One of the rules of the streets is to know who’s who and who controls what. Actualities I really, we have the street as much as a rule of life and survival. Knowing these groups and their histories allow you to better plan around their activities and keep out of trouble. this stuff just knowing these groups or how to avoid them it’s also how to communicate vocals and physically language. not to mention the difficulty of cultivating in the image of “toughness”. the complexity of which requiring every minuscule detail of a person to reflect this idea of strength withheld. Details such as how large of a social group you were walking with was or how many times you smiled at someone or Where you were walking. This type of social restriction too necessary survival tactics on the streets runs completely contradict too the ideals of the American dream. “The crew walked the block of their neighborhood, loud and rude because it was only through their rudeness that they might feel any sense of security and power”. ( Coates 22) What should be an ideal time in your life before the realities of work and family become involved and it is turned to a time of pure survival instinct and social stress? Instead of worry about his baseball card collection, he must worry about the local street gang. instead of worrying about whether he was going to apply to the local Ivy League school They have to worry about whether they’re going to pass high school. That’s a type of environment just opposed to the American Dream. instead of worrying about what you want to accomplish in life you’re worried about if you’re going to be able to make it to the next day.



Speculate, to what degree might Coates’s son’s experiences in his neighborhood be similar or different to Coates’s? This is a Text+Me question.

While Coate’s son Experience may be radically different than his father’s due to his father’s experience. like all parents, they want better for their children and he may know what ways to for a son to move down in order to move beyond his childhood condition. Most likely to astringe his son from the condition which seems to have shaped his life. So, his son would have a better chance with academic work in order to keep economic depression away. He highlights his inability to focus on his studies due to the conditions he grew up in this quote, “And what precisely did this have to do with an education rendered as a rote discipline? To be educated in Baltimore mostly meant always packing an extra number 2 pencil and working quietly.” (Coates 25) This paper is written for his son this is probably to tell him about his experiences with American Society at large and the dream. The fact that he wrote a book for his son so that he’d know what life was like for him really is telling about how large the problem he talks about is. So that his whole experience about the American dream can only be contained within a book shows you how difficult and complicated such a thing is to explain to other people and why it is so special to America.

Reflection – Peer Review

In terms of giving up your reviews, I feel like along some sort of comfortable ground. When reading other people’s papers, I’m as direct as I can get.  The find it easier to be direct then to beat around the bush, but if there’s one thing I must improve on it is the Menasha of giving a peer review like word suggestion. I clinically abuse word in my write and unless of the word is really sticking out like a sore thumb, I don’t suggest new words in others writing. I mean before I have suggested better words for other people’s writing but that was only because he was having a hard time finding the words and it was a defined problem he had found before I review it. So, I’m not confident in my ability to suggest new ways of wording papers. With the bigger things like theme and overall pacing, I’ll call out whenever I see it. It’s a lot easier for me I think because I’m not focusing on the minutiae I’m focusing on the bigger themes. I Also find myself trying to help people extend what work they must cover more of the criteria that the assignment requires.  As in high school and elementary school middle school, I found myself having a lot of trouble with writing and meeting seemingly arbitrary criteria like oh it must be 2 pages long or have three paragraphs. So, in that time I picked up a couple tricks on how to extend work a bit more. But since most of the papers but due to peer review being more about the substance of the paper than the actual technical minutiae of what goals that accomplish that doesn’t really need it most of the time. For the one-year thing, I found is that it’s a lot easier to place quotes in other people says then it is my own.   maybe it’s because I’ve been placing quotes in my essays all wrong or maybe it’s because the degree of separation makes it easier to deconstruct and throw away easier to insert new information without worrying how it affects the rest of the essay. In general, I think a lot of my problems with writing have to do with my inhibitions about writing.  The way I have call return since I was little his probably stick with me for a very long time. and I feel that it’s probably a lot of my method which is bad with my work when is I do write well people say it’s good.

Reflection – Writing Process

In all honesty, this essay is just not my best work.  I know exactly why I didn’t do well and that’s because I didn’t understand the topic on a level that got me interested in it.  You know it’s easier to write on stuff like animal rights because I had an opinion on that, but my opinion on civil rights and how laws affect how people those people who are affected by them. I’ve always been like you know yeah give them rights people should be allowed to love people, but I’ve never thought of it on a deeper level. So, my writing process is basically sitting down and trying to get it done turn on some music and have all the relevant information upon separate tabs. The way I do a lot of my writing is kind of a combination of typing and using speech to text programs as let me get out volumes of words on to the paper. This helps me get through the roadblock of getting the words onto the paper and allows me to keep up with the workload. On the note of animal rights, the essay animals place think I did well on I was proud of that. I was invested in the topic even though I’m skeptical about some animal rights I was very interested in the topic and very excited to write an essay about it.  It’s it was suddenly I had in my head for a long time about how certain animal rights organizations just take it too far with what they do. I feel like an animal place essay was my first real college essay. I think the essay that has a lot of parallels with The Owens essay as I had a bit of trouble. Mainly due to me not completely reading it. This heavily restricted the amount of material I felt comfortable using. It also didn’t help that this was like A continuation of animal’s place, but it was saying who has more value human hunting endangered animals or endangered animals.  I not proud of it, but also, I don’t remember most of the stuff I wrote for it. A lot of the points were really flimsy, and I think I in an attempt to cover up my lack of knowledge on the topic I turned full blast on the owns trying to paint them as the definitive villains

Reflection – Integrating Ideas

I find that my ability to on integration is very hit or miss. Sometimes it has to do with the topic the paper is on. Beyond just liking topic, I really need to understand it. In the topic of Yoshino and covering I didn’t really get it enough to make deep connect about the material. As much as I understood the idea of covering and True Self vs False Self, but it was just words on the page. There was a layer I couldn’t really understand that deprive me of the drive I need to write a good essay. As an example: “However, Kenji Yoshino says it best “Everyone covers. To cover is tone down a disfavored to fit into the mainstream.” So, for example, covering for being gay would be portraying yourself as straight.”. Look at how poorly I attempt to integrate quotes into the essay. It sticks out way too much and it’s not naturally integrated into what I was talking about before it.   I’m not able to make any good connections because of how It boxes away from the concepts within the paper. I’m too quick to define what it is and that’s the problem. For example, when I was writing about an animal’s place last semester, I was really interested I was really interested in the topic. Therefore I did a lot more research into the topic. It allowed me to work with the topic on the level that I feel I didn’t reach in this essay. Here a section I feel could have been better:  Covering, just like all ill-applied survival, can result in serious damage to one’s health and sanity. One can become disconcerting with themselves and society. Hatred can be a natural response to pent up emotions especially to those who are the source.” I really don’t feel like it missions with the rest of the essay and it has a bit of difficulty coming out.  It’s a common strategy for me to try and aspire to like some natural science angle whenever I write. I do this whenever I’m just having trouble starting a paragraph in an essay. It can lead to a real mishmash of themes if I don’t do it right and really sticks out a lot most of the time.

Kenji Yoshino

The reason why liberties important part of civil rights is because it being, because the ability to be yourself no matter what Is intrinsically part of freedom. If you can be your true self within society are you truly free. That is why we can’t be held back by the rest of society and we must be allowed to be ourselves under the law. Why we can’t be totally expected to fully assimilate to any culture. “We have not been able to see it as such because it has swaddled itself in the benign language of assimilation. But if we look closely, we will see that covering is the way many groups are being held back today.” (Kenji Yoshino P480-481). And the threat of needing to suppress yourself is just against society. this is unfair as some people don’t need to suppress their identities. So, this really calls into question like are people equal if they need to suppress their identities. Even minor suppressions of self could be considered violations of one’s freedom. and many racism bills within US law defend people’s rights not to be discriminated against for a race, creed, belief, and, choice of life. Wowing for those to truly express themselves we have much to gain as we can understand people more.


Covering is A process of selective self-repression of traits that may not be totally accepted by society at large in order to better fit in. This is a part of the False self which is the opposite of the True Self. The False self is Projection of the individual onto others within society that they are not comfortable or afraid showing their true selves too. Well, the true self is the genuine person free of any projections flattering or otherwise. Covering is inherently a projection of the false self and Yoshino makes this very clear. As an example, he says his false self was a straight Asian man and his identity was a gay Asian man, but he has that false identity so society will accept him more. Now covering is not entirely bad People cover themselves in all kinds of way. Whether it’s the little white lies to make socialization just a bit easier or Dressing up nice for a special occasion, it just something we do. The problem is that were doing it for things that should be perfectly acceptable within society and yet there still hiding it.

“Why identity is a lie we can’t live without” Writing

I honestly don’t know how I felt about the Goddam material. The paper while “identity is a lie we can’t live without” is just a basic outline of how Human tribalism is bad. A tale as old as time about how society would be better without tribalism, but Since we don’t live in a fairy tale land, we need to do the next best thing which keeps it under control. By not hating people for the piteous of shit like their skin color, national origin, and, beliefs. Also, within the material, it has a format I don’t like in serious articles a transcribed interview. Instead of putting in an effort by making paragraphs, describing the emotions on the persons face, or, integrating important details into the article as we get to know this person like who they are, their professions, their life story, into the interview. Well, there is just a giant info dump at the beginning about who was talking to then jumping right into it. So, they start talking about the fundamental nature of identity and how everyone has one even though they don’t want one. All it is beating the dead horse of how identities fundamental to human civilization and nature. How we fuse divisions of identity to justify terrible things. Honestly, I just don’t know where this is going with all the readings.


Prewriting Toast Story

There is only one part of Toast Story that really relates to identity and that is the story of Giulietta Carrelli and her struggle with schizoaffective disorder. The condition is a combination of both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It takes the worst of both conditions fusing it into a debilitating disorder that at times can prevent people from recognizing themselves. Leading to her keeping track of herself through writing. The condition was made worse as she went most of her life undiagnosed. She did not have a lot of time to build reliable social connections and secure employment before she would be sent spiraling into psychotic episodes. She’s able to find stability after the end of one of her episodes at a place in San Francisco call China beach where she saw an old man who lives the same routine every single day. 5 years later she would return to the beach to find the old man still there where for the next 3 years she’d rebuild her life on the structure of going to China beach every day and talking to him.


Now in my own opinion, this sounds like the most horrendous form of torture ever randomly devise by evolution and genetics. The fact that your mind is turned into a literal ticking time bomb that can level anything you built up in your life and utterly erode your sense of identity to the point where you were forced to record it just to barely cling on a bit of it. I really can’t imagine what that is like, and the willpower needed to continue onward. But then again being completely disassociated with your past self may help in moving forward with the whole life thing. I find her idea about how she wears very distinct clothing and owning a popular coffee shop as a safety net. It’s completely ingenious and speaks to how despite this condition she is a perfectly normal and maybe even above intelligence person. One thing that is really reinforced in me is that any problem in our world can be solved with determination, rationalism, and, deep thought. How she workshops a lot of ideas to give her stability and strength despite many things that could go wrong in her life at moment’s notice.

My Name 1/16/2019

So, the name Doyle comes from the Irish surnames O’Dubhghaill meaning descendant of Dubhghall. Dubh meaning black and Ghall meaning stranger. This term came about during the Vikings Raids of Ireland. It was used by the Irish to characterize the Dark-haired Danes from light haired Norwegians. As the Vikings settled in Ireland and assimilated into its population, in the process founding many of Ireland’s coastal cities and towns. The name was Adopted by many on the coasts of Ireland. Where my Great Grandfather on my Grandmother’s side lived. His name was Michael Doyle and is the man I’m named after. My parents decided on the name as it pays homage to my Irish Side of the family. My name is an inverse of his, so, for example, Michael Doyle  Doyle Michael Proto.

The Interesting thing about having a name with a very long history is that there’s a lot of stuff that comes with it. One thing that came with my name was a Coat of Arms. The coat of arms is a shield with a double alternating blue and yellow pattern on the edge. Three red stags with yellow antlers sit in a white field. A helmet with a stag stands atop the shield as red and white ribbons fanout from behind. A banner sits below saying fortitudine vincit. It means, He conquers by strength, and it will always remind me of my Italian roots from my father’s family. Proto means first and I truly don’t know how far back it goes in my family, but I know it’s from my dad’s Father side of the family. I feel like the name should stay that way because it’s 1st. I can let it fade into the mists of antiquity.

The problem is that I don’t know more about my dad’s side of the family. My dad’s mother, or as I call her nanny, doesn’t talk much about her family and even than knows little about them. When I was much younger I did not like my name. I’m not too sure why I didn’t like it. Maybe it was that people would call me a name in schools like Boyle, Ooyle and Soyle. I was always much more fund of the name Thomas. I think it must be because I was a big fan of Thomas the train engine when I was younger, but now I never would think of changing my name at all. When I move to Connecticut, I was awash in a sea of Jakes, Jacks, Johns, and, Bens. Also, when I got older, I learned the history behind my name and how it wasn’t just some weird name.
